What I Do

Chuck Johnston, Insurance Technology Strategist

I am a Senior Insurance Technology Executive with over 30 years of experience across insurance carriers, industry research and consulting, enterprise software, product management, and marketing. My approach balances innovative thinking with practical, cost-effective solutions, focused on solving industry business issues, underpinned by a deep understanding of industry-specific architectures and technologies.

Working for Phoenix Home Life, Meta Group, Callidus Software, Siebel, Oracle, Celent and FINEOS in my career, I’ve seen the LA&H and Employee Benefits industry from multiple points of view, and would like to bring my unique perspective to help you.


  • Insurance Business & Process Knowledge

  • Product Strategy/Management/Marketing

  • Industry Marketing Strategy & Execution

  • Evangelism & Thought Leadership

  • Speaking & Presentations from Boardroom to Stage

  • Executive Sales Support

  • Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Alliances & Ecosystems

  • Research & Consulting

Who I Am

Chuck Johnston, Insurance Technology Nerd

I am also someone who has grown up in the insurance industry, born 26 miles from Hartford, CT. My mom ran a comptometer for Travelers in the actuarial department. My dad built jet engines for Pratt Whitney (the other thing you do living in CT). My first insurance job was working in an actuarial department referee-ing between actuaries and EDS IT consultants and dealing with special handling insurance cases. That taught me that insurance is an important part of society, that most insurers want to do good, and the value of a promise made that must live 100+ years (Thanks, Bob Fiondella). My goal now is to help better the state of insurance technology serving the LA&H and Employee Benefits space.

 I met my wife in the IT department of an insurance company, and she has tolerated me for over 30 years and still going. I currently live in Ellington, CT. with my amazing wife Ellen and a Pointer named Ava.